Bad Modern Woman


7 Signs You Are A Badass, Alpha Woman

“Well-behaved women rarely make history.” Ever heard of that quote before? This is a quote I definitely live by. We always hear talks about women being a badass, and how they handle everyday life situations and the curveballs life throws at them. We have our own definition of what a badass woman is. But do you know if you are truly a badass, alpha woman?

1. You have your shit together.

What I mean by shit is you know what you want, you go after it without complaining, and you make that shit happenfor yourself. Doing things for yourself isn’t selfish. You do it for yourself because you clearly understand the concept that no one can make you successful and happy except yourself. You don’t depend on other people and things to make you happy. You are in control of your relationships, finances, success, mental health, and happiness. 

2. You are assertive and bold. 

Ever had men AND women say you act too manly and should sip on your tea and know your place? Well, guess what, you can tell them to fuck themselves and take their opinions up their ass. Men feel offended by you. Other women feel inferior to you. Why? Because you say it how it is, and the truth hurts. People have labeled you as aggressive, manly, rude, and outspoken. They can’t stand the way you walk with confidence, the way you call people out on bullshit, and how you don’t give a shit how they feel about you. 

3. You empower and uplift other women and men.

You don’t play the competition game. You don’t play the blame game. You don’t play victim. The only thing you are in competition with is being a better you than who you were yesterday. You don’t tear other women down when they seek you for support and advice. You cheer for other women and men to be successful in their professional and personal life. You know the right words to say to them to help them in the right direction. Your advice and words are powerful, and people listen to it. People come to you for support and motivation because that’s how empowering you are. 

4. You are socially, emotionally, and intellectually intelligent. 

You know how to handle yourself in social events. You don’t care for attention, but people come to you anyways because of your great personality and genuine nature. You are aware of your own emotions and feelings without projecting it on other people. You have empathy, yet know when to cut off toxic people. You have healthy boundaries for yourself and those around you. You enjoy reading and learning about new things, so you can apply it to your own life. You are open-minded and have a thirst for innovation.

5. You make your day productive. 

You don’t have a strict schedule, but you have a routine of getting up and doing something productive that brings you one step closer to your goals. It can be a simple day staying home and working on your business online. It can be a busy day in the office while you work and talk with your co-workers to brainstorm new ideas and strategies. It can be a productive day at the gym to fuel your health. Whatever it is that you’re doing, you’re not just sitting your butt home doing nothing. You are simply doing something productive. 

6. You always find a way to come out stronger from your hardships. 

You look at challenges as opportunities to help you grow as a person. You like to learn about who you are when you’re under pressure and stress. You don’t complain and feed the negativity when bad things happen to you. You analyze your situation and try to find a solution and plan to get back to where you need to go. The hardships you experience, you take the life lesson it gives you, and you come out stronger than before.

7. You know your own worthand that shit is priceless. 

You don’t let anyone downplay your worth and hard-work. No one can taint your confidence and self-love because you know exactly how you feel about yourself. You don’t let people’s opinions of you bother you. If anything, it proves that you are the whole package because people are envious and intimidated by you. 

You are one badass woman, so claim it! Don’t be afraid of society and people judging you because they secretly wished they were as bad as you. You have your shit together, you’re gorgeous, you’re intelligent, you’re generous, you’re inspiring to women and men, you are in touch with yourself emotionally and mentally. Give yourself the biggest clap because we know it took hard-work, a lot of inner-work, and continuous growth to get to where you are today. Be proud and keep being YOU, badass! 

Always bad,

2. You are assertive and bold. 

Ever had men AND women say you act too manly and should sip on your tea and know your place? Well, guess what, you can tell them to fuck themselves and take their opinions up their ass. Men feel offended by you. Other women feel inferior to you. Why? Because you say it how it is, and the truth hurts. People have labeled you as aggressive, manly, rude, and outspoken. They can’t stand the way you walk with confidence, the way you call people out on bullshit, and how you don’t give a shit how they feel about you. 

3. You empower and uplift other women and men.

You don’t play the competition game. You don’t play the blame game. You don’t play victim. The only thing you are in competition with is being a better you than who you were yesterday. You don’t tear other women down when they seek you for support and advice. You cheer for other women and men to be successful in their professional and personal life. You know the right words to say to them to help them in the right direction. Your advice and words are powerful, and people listen to it. People come to you for support and motivation because that’s how empowering you are. 

4. You are socially, emotionally, and intellectually intelligent. 

You know how to handle yourself in social events. You don’t care for attention, but people come to you anyways because of your great personality and genuine nature. You are aware of your own emotions and feelings without projecting it on other people. You have empathy, yet know when to cut off toxic people. You have healthy boundaries for yourself and those around you. You enjoy reading and learning about new things, so you can apply it to your own life. You are open-minded and have a thirst for innovation.

5. You make your day productive. 

You don’t have a strict schedule, but you have a routine of getting up and doing something productive that brings you one step closer to your goals. It can be a simple day staying home and working on your business online. It can be a busy day in the office while you work and talk with your co-workers to brainstorm new ideas and strategies. It can be a productive day at the gym to fuel your health. Whatever it is that you’re doing, you’re not just sitting your butt home doing nothing. You are simply doing something productive. 

6. You always find a way to come out stronger from your hardships. 

You look at challenges as opportunities to help you grow as a person. You like to learn about who you are when you’re under pressure and stress. You don’t complain and feed the negativity when bad things happen to you. You analyze your situation and try to find a solution and plan to get back to where you need to go. The hardships you experience, you take the life lesson it gives you, and you come out stronger than before.

7. You know your own worthand that shit is priceless. 

You don’t let anyone downplay your worth and hard-work. No one can taint your confidence and self-love because you know exactly how you feel about yourself. You don’t let people’s opinions of you bother you. If anything, it proves that you are the whole package because people are envious and intimidated by you. 

You are one badass woman, so claim it! Don’t be afraid of society and people judging you because they secretly wished they were as bad as you. You have your shit together, you’re gorgeous, you’re intelligent, you’re generous, you’re inspiring to women and men, you are in touch with yourself emotionally and mentally. Give yourself the biggest clap because we know it took hard-work, a lot of inner-work, and continuous growth to get to where you are today. Be proud and keep being YOU, badass! 

Always bad,

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